PDF Ebook Kennedy Through the Lens: How Photography and Television Revealed and Shaped an Extraordinary Leader, by Martin W. Sandler
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Kennedy Through the Lens: How Photography and Television Revealed and Shaped an Extraordinary Leader, by Martin W. Sandler
PDF Ebook Kennedy Through the Lens: How Photography and Television Revealed and Shaped an Extraordinary Leader, by Martin W. Sandler
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"A fascinating photo-essay. Kennedy's life and administration were documented with a groundbreaking intimacy the public had never known before, making this an accessible, insightful perspective on one of America's most famous presidents." --Kirkus Reviews "A subject particularly well suited to the photo-essay format. As in his other Through the Lens titles, Sandler offers an engaging, insightful introduction to his subject through both visuals and text." --Booklist "Photographs throughout the title are, of course, deftly selected and gloriously reproduced in both color and black and white. This will be a valuable supplement to students researching the president himself, and required reading for kids interested in media." --BCCB A fascinating photo-essay. Kennedy's life and administration were documented with a groundbreaking intimacy the public had never known before, making this an accessible, insightful perspective on one of America's most famous presidents. "Kirkus Reviews" A subject particularly well suited to the photo-essay format. As in his other Through the Lens titles, Sandler offers an engaging, insightful introduction to his subject through both visuals and text. "Booklist" Photographs throughout the title are, of course, deftly selected and gloriously reproduced in both color and black and white. This will be a valuable supplement to students researching the president himself, and required reading for kids interested in media. "BCCB"""A fascinating photo-essay. Kennedy's life and administration were documented with a groundbreaking intimacy the public had never known before, making this an accessible, insightful perspective on one of America's most famous presidents." --Kirkus Reviews"A subject particularly well suited to the photo-essay format. As in his other Through the Lens titles, Sandler offers an engaging, insightful introduction to his subject through both visuals and text." --Booklist"Photographs throughout the title are, of course, deftly selected and gloriously reproduced in both color and black and white. This will be a valuable supplement to students researching the president himself, and required reading for kids interested in media." --BCCB
Martin Sandler focuses his lens on John F. Kennedy on the 50th anniversary of his inauguration
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Gebundene Ausgabe: 96 Seiten
Verlag: Walker Childrens (10. Oktober 2013)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0802721605
ISBN-13: 978-0802721600
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 10 - 14 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
26,3 x 1,4 x 26,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 2.244.149 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Kennedy Through the Lens: How Photography and Television Revealed and Shaped an Extraordinary Leader, by Martin W. Sandler PDF
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Kennedy Through the Lens: How Photography and Television Revealed and Shaped an Extraordinary Leader, by Martin W. Sandler iBooks
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Kennedy Through the Lens: How Photography and Television Revealed and Shaped an Extraordinary Leader, by Martin W. Sandler Kindle
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